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Our topic in Year 1 this term is “Paws, Claws and Whiskers” and as part of this topic we would like to take the children on a trip to Wingham Wildlife Park, Rusham Road, Wingham, CT3 1JL. Where the children will get the chance to see animals from all over the globe.
The trip will take place on the Wednesday 30th March. We will be leaving school at 9:15am promptly and will return to school for the end of the school day. The cost for this trip will be £14.00 which includes the price of their ticket and the coach to Wingham. Payment can be made via our School Money payment system or cash can be given to the school office by Friday 25 March.
Your child will need to bring a packed lunch. We recommend the children bring their lunch in a Small backpack as they will need to carry it to and from the park. No glass bottles, fizzy drink or chocolate please! Once at the park we will be able to leave our bags in a protected area. If your child is entitled to a Free School lunch and you would like one, please indicate on the consent form below.
Children will need to wear full school uniform, comfortable footwear/trainers are allowed and a waterproof coat or jacket in case it rains.
If you have any questions please speak with Miss McNulty or Miss Richards.
Published: Thursday 3rd March 2022