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Hello, we are your Family Liaison Officers (FLO’s).
We are here to support all families starting from the very first day until they move on to pastures new. At some point, we all need a bit of support. This can take many forms from the need for a friendly chat, the chance to offload the stresses of the day to advice on finance, behaviour and other sensitive matters. So please come and find one of us. One of us is always on a gate in the morning and we can pass messages on for you or feel free to email us using the contact details above. We are always happy for you to come along for a chat in the beehive. This can be found on the playground at the top of the field.
Please look out for our termly newsletter which has lots of hints and tips and useful contact information, along with information on parent courses and coffee mornings.
Additionally we offer our Little Notes toddler group. This is run in the community room at the front of the school office. Look out for our flyers for dates and times.
At East Stour we have a great team of Family Support Officers (FLO), and they can help in many ways some of which are listed below as we all need a helping hand every now and again.
Our Role is to Support children and Families
Information sharing
Liaise with school staff on your behalf
Support for children and families suffering family break up and bereavement
Impartial ear parents and families
Liaise with outside agencies
Provide a shoulder in time of need and a cuppa
signposting for financial support
Assist with attendance issues
General assistance with childcare related issues
Help accessing services in the local area
If you would like any more information or wish to make an appointment, please come and find us or contact us on jwalker@east-stour.kent.sch.uk, jdryland@east-stour.kent.sch.uk or lbowden@east-stour.kent.sch.uk
Family Support Officers