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In year 3 we follow the National Curriculum with the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Computing and further foundation subjects – History, Geography, Design & Technology, Art, Music, Physical Education and Personal, Social Health Education and Religious Education.
In Maths we follow a programme based on Singapore Maths teaching, this is called Maths Mastery. We use the White Rose Scheme which provide additional support and guidance for teaching mathematics and the children have opportunities to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.
Our literacy lessons are based around a book and we follow the Pathways to Write Programme. Throughout the year our aim is to develop the children’s spoken language, reading comprehension, spellings and writing composition. Spellings are set weekly on EdShed and Seesaw app so children can practice before they are tested on Fridays. Apart from spellings, reading at home remains important and we encourage children to read every day. Listening to your child read on a daily basis will be crucial to his or her progress.
PE is delivered twice a week -Tuesdays (outdoors) and Fridays (indoors).
Trainers or plimsolls are to be worn to school on a Tuesday and full PE kit on a Friday.
Each term we have a different topic and our foundation subjects are taught through topics such as 'Stones and Bones', 'Once Upon a Time' and 'Tomb Raiders'.