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Throughout Year one, children follow the literacy programme RWI where they have daily lessons learning different sounds and putting these sounds into words. During these lessons, children have a range of writing activities to complete and they practice the formation of letters, use of capital letters and full stops.
Children take a new reading book home every Friday that is suited to their RWI level and this supports them to develop further understanding at home. Reading books need to be returned on a Thursday or latest Friday to be changed and signed off by a parent to say their child has read.
As well as this, we have weekly Literacy lessons which relate to our weekly story. The story is picked based on the children’s interests and they love hearing a new story each week! During the year, we aim to develop skills and knowledge by using adjectives, nouns, verbs, alliteration and more.
Spellings are given out weekly on a Friday for children to learn at home via Seesaw. They are then tested on the following Thursday so any help at home is greatly received. Their spellings support their literacy lessons in class.
In maths lessons, we follow the White Rose maths programme which is a progressive maths scheme from Reception to Year 6, ensuring a consistent approach throughout the school. The children have interactive inputs and then extend their learning through a range of practical activities using a variety of manipulatives (resources) to consolidate their learning.
P.E is delivered on a Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday lessons require the children to bring in their full P.E kit and on a Friday, children will need to wear their trainers to school along with their normal uniform. We spend the year learning about different kinds of rolls, games and ways to travel.
Every Thursday the children go to Forest School and it can sometimes get a bit muddy! We do ask if children can bring in a named pair of wellies on this day or they are welcome to keep these at school. This is a very fun day in Year 1 and we spend a good amount of time engaging in outdoor activities.
Every term we have a new and exciting topic that is based around what the children enjoy. Our first topic ‘This is me’ has allowed us to get to know each other more. Still to come is: Turrets and Tiaras; Toys; On our doorstep and travellers! We read new stories weekly that promote our school values and this term we have looked at what it means to be ‘Optimistic’.
Every day the children have Explore and Enquire time in the morning and afternoon. This is their “child initiated” time where the children are required to complete various challenges to extend their learning. All the challenges are based around what we are learning across the curriculum that week!
Some of the foundation subjects that we follow in year one include history, geography, music and Art. Already this year in History, we have looked at understanding the past and had some great pictures sent in of past events that the children enjoyed talking about.