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Assessment at East Stour is purposeful, rigorous, ongoing and is based around checking against sequenced and progressive knowledge and skills that prepare our children for future learning and employment.
End Points
We work towards specific end points and objectives, which are carefully mapped out on an end point document as well as progression documents to ensure learning builds from Nursery to Year 6. We use knowledge organisers in foundation subjects to assess children's learning and ensure the learning journey is built on prior knowledge.
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is the ongoing assessment that staff use to see where children are within the lesson and move them on suitably. At East Stour we have had the fantastic opportunity to work alongside the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) on a long-term whole school project named "Embedding Formative, training our staff on using formative assessment in the classroom to improve outcomes further!
Summative Assessment
We also use summative assessment three times a year. This provides a summary of what has been learned at a specific point in time. Children are assessed as Working Towards, Expected or Exceeding for their year group expectations. These are followed by Pupil Progress Reviews to look closely at individuals, groups and classes with the Phase Leaders and Senior Leadership Team. These meetings highlight children causing concern for attainment or progress and also those attaining higher than expected or making accelerated progress; support actions or intervention groups are then set up to either diminish the difference between certain groups or boost higher achievers. The SENCO also attends these meetings and specifically supports children on the register at SEN School Support, Statements or Educational Healthcare Plans as well as identifying children who may require further monitoring or support from our SEN team.
Statutory Testing
Reception children are baseline assessed within the first 6 weeks of starting at East Stour.
All year 1 pupils will complete the Phonics Screening test in June each year.
In year 4 there is a multiplication check carried out in Term 6.
Year 6 will carry out SATS testing in Reading, Writing, Maths and Spelling Grammar and Punctuation tests.
Please click here to see the most recent results.