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In Year 5, children continue to enjoy a broad range of topics.
We develop their writing skills through a range of engaging picture books. Each term we teach a set of ‘Mastery Skills’ which introduce children to new grammar, interesting vocabulary and different writing styles. At the end of each term, children produce a piece of writing to showcase the skills they have learned that term.
We teach spellings using Spelling Shed.
In Year 5, we teach reading skills through whole class VIPERS reading lessons. Each lesson we discuss the book we are reading through questions on Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Summary. Sometimes the class teacher will read the book, sometimes children read with a partner, sometimes they read quietly on their own. Children who need support with their
fluency have additional, small group or 1:1 reading lessons.
In Maths, we use the White Rose scheme. This scheme encourages number confidence and has a strong focus on the four number operations. Our morning task often consists of Maths fluency questions to ensure children are confident calculators.
Our afternoons are a mixture of all the other national curriculum subjects we are required to teach. To give you a flavour, Science lessons involve children investigating various scientific ideas. Children may need to make their own equipment or design an investigation and then measure and record their results. In Art, children are taught explicit art skills (like different sketching techniques) and are offered a range of materials to work with – charcoal, paints, pencil, crayons, clay.
Our curriculum in Year 5 is definitely challenging but, we hope, fun too.