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In year two children will continue to follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme, for those who need it. Once they have completed the programme they will move onto literacy lessons where the focus of the lesson is based around a book and activities that link.
Guided Reading is carried out weekly in small groups and the children will also bring an appropriate levelled book home to read.
In Maths we have adopted the maths mastery approach and we follow the WhiteRose programme.
Spelling is also taught on a weekly basis and the children will bring home spelling and maths homework to complete
each week.
We continue to use the Forest School to enhance the lessons in the classroom and we have two PE lessons. Each day we participate in the Daily Mile to help increase fitness.
We follow a different topic each term and the foundation subjects e.g. history and geography fit in with the topic of the term, for example in term one the topic is 'This is Me' and in science we are focusing on animal and human life cycles.
Future topics include time travellers and helpful hands.
The children have a play time where they can eat snack every morning, this consists of free fruit and their water bottle.
We also have some unstructured time in the afternoons, where children can access a range of resources including the outside area.
We hope to have a class trip at some point this year.