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At the age of eleven all children transfer to secondary school.
Please click www.kent.gov.uk/secondaryadmissions for details of how to apply for a place. This can be very early in September of your child starting in Year 6. A Year 6 Parents Evening is held in the Autumn Term to provide helpful information to parents about the transfer process. Parents will also be invited to discuss issues with the school if they wish.
In order to ease the transfer to secondary school each child’s abilities and progress are discussed with the school concerned. Secondary teachers visit East Stour School and the children before they transfer. All pupils spend a day in their secondary school before they start in the September.
Liaison takes place with all local secondary schools. All secondary schools hold Open Days / Evenings where parents may visit each school and talk with staff. These evenings are co-ordinated to enable parents to visit as many school as they wish.
You can apply for up to 4 schools, putting them in order of preference. It’s in your best interests to list 4 schools. Naming only one school does not guarantee your child a place at that school or give your child priority for a place over another child, neither does naming a school more than once.
For advice call 03000 41 21 21 or email kentonlineadmissions@kent.gov.uk.
Some schools may need you to complete an additional form called a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Information about which schools require a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) is available in the admissions guide (PDF, 2.6 MB)
If you applied online, KCC will email you after 4pm to tell you which school you have been offered. We cannot guarantee the exact time you will receive your email, this will depend on your email service provider.
You can also log in after 5pm to view your offer online.
For advice call 03000 41 21 21 or email kentonlineadmissions@kent.gov.uk.
Find out what to do after you get your offer.