admin@east-stour.kent.sch.uk01233 630820

We strongly believe that the wearing of a uniform helps the children to identify with their school and you will need to provide the items listed below. If you have any problems providing the items listed please let the teacher or Head Teacher know.

Our School Dress Code

Little Composers children can wear school uniform if they wish, this is optional. If your child would like to wear school uniform it would be the the light blue/ baby blue coloured jumper.

White polo shirts, grey trousers, grey shorts or grey skirt, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan for Reception children to Year 5. EYFS children may wear jogging bottoms. Year 6 for their final year at East Stour, wear purple jumpers or cardigans. Children going into Year 6 in September, will be awarded at the start of the term one FREE purple jumper. Footwear is black shoes (not trainers).

Summer – grey trousers, grey shorts or blue checked / striped summer dress.

Polo shirts are to be worn under sweatshirts and cardigans.

PE Kit

We are very excited in school about re-launching our school Houses ready for a variety of House inter-competitions to start again.  We are now offering the chance to buy PE t-shirts in

We are very excited in school about re-launching our school Houses ready for a variety of House inter-competitions to start again.  We are now offering the chance to buy PE t-shirts in your child's House colour.  Children of course may continue to wear their white PE shirts until it is time to buy their next one.  Our uniform provider will no longer be selling the white PE t-shirt and instead the four colours:


Red-  Rowling

Royal Blue - Banksy

Yellow - Hamilton

Green - Hemsworth


Your child's PE kit needs to contain:

Your child's House colour t-shirt, shorts (preferably plain black) and black plimsolls, in a named bag.

All uniform should be clearly marked with your child’s name.

The following items are available online please use the click on the link: 

Although you can buy uniform from Ambition Sport you are welcome to buy it from any retailer. 


Year R-5 Uniform                                                                      Year 6 Uniform

