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At East Stour, once children have completed RWI, they move onto Pathways to Read. This usually happens sometime during Y2, but can be earlier or later depending on the needs of the individual child. Pathways to Read complements our Pathways to Write scheme. Children will encounter similar themes and ideas in the units, which makes it easier for them to make connections between different books and different genres.
Pathways to Read is designed to equip pupils with key skills that will enable them to become competent and fluent readers. Each term, children will explore a high-quality, engaging text through a series of carefully structured lessons. There is a mixture of whole class teaching, adult led group teaching and independent learning. The skills children are explicitly taught include prediction, vocabulary development, retrieval, explanation and summarising. These are re-visited across the term’s work so that children can master each skill.
Some children who need additional support with their reading will have a VIPERS reading lesson in addition to the whole class Pathways to Read lesson. VIPERS lessons focus on a short, accessible text followed by a series of comprehension questions. Reading is modelled by an adult, with children reading altogether as a group and then individually to build up fluency and stamina.
Reading for Pleasure
At East Stour, we believe children should read books they love. Our school library has over 3,500 books on its shelves and includes everything from classic favourites to more recent releases.
All children have access to our library and will bring home a book they have chosen to read. The book may be something they have already read, it may be an author they really enjoy, it may be on a theme they relate to – the important thing is that they want to read it. Books are displayed according to year group but this is for guidance only – children are free to choose books above or below their current year group. Teachers will help and guide children to find books they will enjoy reading.