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Physical Education
At East Stour we are working hard to build upon and enhance our PE and sports provision for all. All children
receive 2 PE lessons per week and these lessons build on a wide range of skills and sports. We are very lucky to have a hall, field and large playgrounds where our PE lessons can be taught and children have access to a large variety of equipment. Children have the opportunity to attend after school clubs ranging from Football, Netball, Athletics, Dance, Cricket and more. In year 6 children have the opportunity to become a Sports Leader where they develop their leadership and team work skills. Children have many opportunities to represent East Stour at sports tournaments, children love attending these and are always inspired and excited by these events. We also hold inter-house competitions where the children represent their house, we hold one inter-house competition per term which allows lots of children to participate and to participate in a range of sports.
PE at East Stour Primary School
At East Stour we love PE! We aim to provide the best opportunities for children to develop their physical competence, confidence, and ability to perform in a range of activities. We teach awareness of the effect exercise has on their bodies and promote positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles. Play times are active with a variety of sports equipment for the children to play with. As well as participating within 2 PE lessons per week, children participate in the Daily Mile. This is an opportunity for children to get some fresh air and to get active by running around the field to earn miles for their class. At the end of each week the school miles are totalled and we identify where we could have run to as a school. Sports Day takes place in the summer term every year, this is an opportunity for all children to get involved and represent their house colour. The children are always proud to take part and enjoy cheering each other on!
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
Are physically active for sustained periods of time
Engage in competitive sports and activities
Lead healthy active lifestyles
Please see below an example of tournaments we may attend with the EKC quick Cricket video