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MFL: French

To enable our children to celebrate and welcome differences in our world, it is vital they have an understanding of different languages and countries.  By introducing and exposing our children to this, they will have a deepened ability to show respect and play a valuable part in our global society.  To achieve this end point, we aim through our MFL curriculum, to inspire a love of language as part of their lifelong journey of learning.


Our aims in teaching a language are:


  • To develop an interest in learning other languages.
  • To introduce young children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating.
  • To encourage children’s confidence and creative skills through the exploration of another language.
  • To stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language.
  • To help children develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries.
  • To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
  • To lay the foundations for future language learning.

We follow the lightbulb languages scheme of work for years 3 - 6. This scheme enables pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focusing on familiar and routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary. Lightbulb languages ensures progression over the four years of Key Stage 2 in Oracy, Literacy and Intercultural Understanding. We provide an appropriate balance of spoken and written language laying the foundations for practical communication and further foreign language teaching at key stage 3.



Oracy (listening, speaking and spoken interaction) In the early stages children will spend much of their time listening, speaking and interacting orally. Children will listen to the teacher, to songs and rhymes, to each other and to native speakers, to recorded and on-line speech and songs. They reproduce these sounds themselves and create phrases and sentences engaging in simple conversations to obtain and provide information and exchange opinions.



Literacy will take on greater prominence as children become familiar with the relationship between sounds and letters/characters in the new language. They will explore different forms of text – simple stories, poems, information texts, advertisements, letters, messages – in paper and electronic forms. They will then develop writing simple sentences and short texts for different purposes and audiences, often using a frame or model to help them structure meaning.


Intercultural Understanding

Language competence and intercultural understanding are an essential part of being a citizen. The students will develop a greater understanding of their own lives in the context of exploring the lives of others. They will learn to look at things from another’s perspective, which will give them an insight into the people, culture and traditions of other cultures. This will provide them with an awareness of the similarities and differences between peoples, their daily lives, beliefs and values. 

As an inclusive school we also like to celebrate each and every culture by expanding our understanding of different beliefs, languages and values, especially those of our diverse students. 
