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Undoubtedly, your last year of Primary School is the very best, and we have so much to look forward to this year!
We start the year off with a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other with our exciting PGL trip.
We are very lucky to have our own special area in Year 6 which gives us lots of space for shared learning and interventions. We will be covering some exciting topics in themes such as ‘This is me’, ‘We'll meet again’ , ‘Water, water everywhere!’ ,'Rumble in the jungle', 'Darwin delights' and 'dream, believe, achieve' as well as lots of other challenging and exciting work across the curriculum.
During the Spring term, we will be helping you to prepare for your SATs and during term 6 we get to have our farewell production. Every member of staff is here to help you to get the very best out of Year 6. We can’t wait to see what this year brings.