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By the time your child leaves East Stour Primary they will have gained key knowledge and skills across the 5 key areas of the computing curriculum.
The objectives within each strand support the development of learning across the key stages, ensuring a solid grounding for future learning.
We are fortunate to have nearly a 100 chromebooks across the school, which children have regular access to within a variety of lessons, allowing them to use the skills learnt throughout the curriculum.
E-Safety is an important part of the computing curriculum and the children’s knowledge will develop each year. At the beginning of any lesson involving technology children are reminded of our e-safety expectations and what to do if they are unsure of anything they come across when online.
As a school all children participate in Internet Safety Day each year, we participate in activities to support understanding and awareness of the importance of staying safe online and what they can do to have a safer experience online.
Seesaw is the online learning platform that we use at East Stour, each child has their own Seesaw account where they can view and post work and families can connect so that they are able to send and receive messages from staff.