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Clarinets Class
Welcome to Clarinets Class. In Clarinets class it is all about having fun and learning through play. The most important thing to us is that the children feel safe, secure and happy and once this is secure the most amazing learning can take place.
In Clarinets we learn through a mixture of teacher directed (phonics, maths, etc) and Child initiated play (challenges around the classroom, areas set up with activities). The children will have a daily phonics and maths session which will be teacher led as well as small group work to extend their learning.
Our curriculum is shaped through themes which change each term and compliments the children’s interests. This year we will be delivering learning through themes including Superhero me, It’s behind you, dinosaurs, 5,4,3,2,1 and by the seaside.
The children have a weekly PE session which covers, dance, gymnastics and games skills and this will be taught both in the hall and outside on the playground according to the weather.
We are also fortunate to have access to our forest provision. The children in Reception spend 1 morning a week at the forest school and learn about patterns in nature and many life skills too.
All in all Reception is all about having fun and being excited to learn… so come and join us…. Clever Clarinets x