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Do not miss out on our exciting learning!
At East Stour our staff plan and deliver exciting, inspiring and engaging learning for all children. We will often carry out spontaneous learning based on the children's interests or events and adapt our learning to develop their ideas.
Each piece of learning builds and connects together year on year. Each time your child is absent they miss part of the puzzle within their learning, which over time creates gaps in knowledge.
Everything you need to know about school attendance.
What are my responsibilities for my child’s attendance?
As a parent, you are legally responsible for making sure your child gets a suitable fulltime education, usually from the age of 5 to 16.
For most parents, this will mean making sure your child is in school every day except
- Your child is too ill to go to school.
- You have permission for a leave of absence from your child’s school for them not to attend. You should only ask for this in exceptional circumstances.
- Your religious body has a day especially for religious observance.
If you are concerned your child may be too ill for school please visit this useful NHS website for advice.
If your child is off school due to illness or an appointment, please contact the school office between 8.00am and 9.00am, explaining why they will not be with us.
If you have not informed us of your child’s whereabouts, we have to contact you as part of our safeguarding process. If your child is going to be in late after an appointment, we ask that you inform us as to whether your child will need a school dinner.
This can be by email admin@east-stour.kent.sch.uk or by telephone 01233 630820 where you can leave a message.
Please call each day of your child’s absence.
If your child has a medical appointment coming up please notify us in advance. You can email this to admin@east-stour.kent.sch.uk
Every School day Counts but every MINUTE is equally important!
All children arriving once the school gate is locked MUST enter school via the school office.