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On Friday 24 June, Nursery, Reception and Year 1 will be having a visit from Wild Workshops.
Understanding nature and appreciating its complexity and beauty can enrich lives and help develop a deeper respect for the world we live in. School visits from Wild Workshops introduce local wildlife and allow the children to learn about their lives and habits in a structured 'scientific' way.
Since forming in 2007, Wild Workshops has worked in hundreds of schools across the region. With a blossoming word-of-mouth reputation for exciting and enthusiastic shows.
Please complete the consent form using the link below by Monday 20 June.
The cost of the workshop is £3 per child.
Payment can be made using the online payment system, School Money, or cash can be handed in to the School Office. Please make payment by Monday 20 June.
If you have any questions please speak with your child's class teacher.
Published: Wednesday 8th June 2022